Problem Whiteboard Count

So problems are simple, you are figure them out in your head. Other problems require a place to offload some of the information so you can solve it.

Some problems can be solved on the back of an envelope, and others requiring a lot more.

I propose that difficult problems be measured in whiteboards. How many whiteboards will/did it take to solve? One whiteboard is difficult, but simple once written out. Two whiteboards is getting more complex1.

How hard are the problems your company is solving? Here the numbers start to get much higher. Companies may in the end be able to show their problem in one whiteboard, but likely the implementation of that is many more whiteboards.

What is your current problem’s whiteboard count?

  1. I think that for the most part erasing the whiteboard should increment the whiteboard count. 


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Startup Idea: Employee Handbook Generator

While there are a lot of employee handbooks out there that you can copy from, it takes some time to put together and proof read one that is good and consistent. I suggest that there be a site with a “wizard” like interface to build a... Continue →