Startup Idea: Employee Handbook Generator

While there are a lot of employee handbooks out there that you can copy from, it takes some time to put together and proof read one that is good and consistent.

I suggest that there be a site with a “wizard” like interface to build a handbook. Asks which sections you want to include, and then details on each of those sections. For example, want a vacation policy? How many weeks/days? Does it roll over? Gained annually or throughout the year?

Simple, but there are a ton of HR questions to ask. Building the data and the dynamic sections out would be quite the lengthy task.


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Disconnecting Time and Effort

Most of the western working world gets paid for their time. 9-5, shifts, hourly, you have to put in some effort or you would get fired, but for the most part the effort one puts into the time is because you enjoy it, are a hard worker,... Continue →